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Dr. Mark A. Foster
Sociologist • Advocacy Journalist • Cultural Historian
Sociologist • Advocacy Journalist • Cultural Historian
Sociologist • Advocacy Journalist • Historian
Ya Baha' al-Abha! O Glory of the Most Glorious!
The MarkFoster.NETwork™ Publications Portal - Welcome to my universe!
A Sociological Study of Reality
Dedicated to Mark's blessed parents, the late Corinne and Harold Foster
Portal n. 1. Website providing an entrance to different websites. 2. science fiction. Gateway to another time or distant galaxy.
Portal n. 1. Website providing an entrance to different websites. 2. science fiction. Gateway to another time or distant galaxy.
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Sim’wa, síochá, ssalāmu, salam, salama, ššālōm, šlāma, sliem, śāntiḥ, prî lâni, pāx, paco, pace, paci, paċi, pase, pags, paix, paz, püd, pīsu, and p’yŏngwa. Pece to ou, and welcome to one of the largest resources of its kind: the 36 website domains and 24 books with other writings of MarkFoster.NETwork Publications™ (MF.N™). As a tenured full professor of sociology (retired), Mark specializes in: the sociology of language and religion, social theory, and sociological practice. He was born in the disbanded upscale Doctors Hospital, on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, and is now: a sociologist, a Bhaskarian critical realist, a socialist from below–Third Worldist–Fourth Worldist (heterodox Maoist), Antifa, an intersectional Marxist, a kyriarchist, an emancipated Autist, and a Baháʼí pioneer (pionero Baháʼí) to the Lower Rio Grande Valley (el Valle del Bajo Río Grande) of Deep South Texas, U.S., and Tamaulipas, México. His academic degrees, from regionally accredited U.S. institutions of higher education, are in: sociology, history, journalism, and English. Chat with me on Quora. Read my last will and testament. Listen to my musical motto on free agency and being a free agent.
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