The Structurizing Program


Two Versions by Marian Crist Lippitt

I.  SOURCE - that manifests and creates Existence
                    II.  DIVINE EXISTENCE

  GREATER WORLD-  World of Divine Manifestation
   Manifestation of the Source - what the Source manifests

DIVINE KINGDOM- World of Divine Manifestation
MANIFESTED MAN, appearing periodically in Creation
          Superhuman Beings manifesting Source, embodying
          Superhuman Consciousness
           CAUSE of Existence
           SPIRIT, whole (HOLY) Power manifested from SOURCE
           WORD, from SOURCE manifested as REVELATION
           WILL of Creator manifested as Spiritual Laws,
                        III.  SPIRITUAL EXISTENCE

                               LESSER WORLD -
          what the Source creates constitutes the LESSER WORLD

                              DIVINE KINGDOM
MAN, superhuman, manifested in Creation periodically
     SPIRIT, whole (Holy) Power animating Creation
     REVELATION, what is manifested by Man to man

                                SPIRITUAL KINGDOM
     SOUL, man, the created spiritual being constituting the
               SPIRITUAL KINGDOM after physical death
               Reality: greatest creation in Existence;
               KandL Power: higher-than-human degree of Spirit;
               Activity or behavior pattern in Time: Linking,
                     spiritual growth, evolution; Knowing, Loving
                Attributes: Knowledge and Love of Reality, Divinity

                               KINGDOM REVEALED
     SO'L-SOUL's embryonic condition, nascent spiritual reality;
             reality of a person before physical death;
             KandL power and other aspects: same as SOUL

      RELIGION, what man accepts of REVELATION

                                HUMAN KINGDOM
                        SO'Ls as currently developed,
                          minus latent divine potentialities
                       IV.    MATERIAL EXISTENCE
                                KINGDOM OF MATTER

TIME, dimension measuring duration of activity
MATERIALITY, 3 dimensional physical existence in Space

                                   ANIMAL KINGDOM
MAT-man   Human body, agent through which SO'L functions
HUM-man   body, Human Consciousness imprinted on brain cells
RAT-man   anatomy with rational conditioning
MAT-anm   subhuman living organisms
-veg   plant life                         VEGETABLE KINGDOM
MAT-min   minerals and chem. elements    MINERAL KINGDOM
Atom        smallest particle of existing
                        elements                  ATOM


                     MAP OF THE REALITY OF EXISTENCE

GOD, the Source of all Existence;  (Unknowable Essence)
        DEITY, condition of Infinitude, Eternality, Divinity

GREATER WORLD that God manifests- Condition of Prophethood
     World of Manifestation -
         In His Kingdom:-His Manifestation who manifests-
Causing of God - Holy Spirit - Will of God - Word of God
 (God's Cause)
LESSER WORLD that God creates  ---Condition of Servitude
     World of Human Souls - Manifestation in the form of a
                            Human Creature, reflecting Reality
                              and capable of reflecting ALL the
                                      Attributes of God
      KINGDOM REVEALED                            -Revealed Condition
           progressively  to SO'Ls  -                  of Spirituality
                 thru REVELATION and
                     translated into RELIGION
        This is where each SOUL begins its prenatal life
              as a SO'L, grows, receives Enlightenment,
               and develops its maturity.

Below are Worlds proceeding from Human vision or spirit:
   MANKIND , condition of Human Beings or SO'Ls as currently
                     developed; personalities, each with its own
                      human consciousness and spiritual powers;
                      man as a part of Humanity.
   HUMANNESS, condition of the Human organism that serves, as
                       a mental and emotional agent, the SO'L of which
                        it is a part.
   RATIONALITY, the Human Thought World and of the Human
                         organism thru which the RATIONAL faculties
                          of man function.
   MATERIAL WORLD, condition of MATERIALITY of the physical
                                 universe composed of mineral, 
                                 vegetable, and animal organisms 
                                 perceptible to the body senses.
Note: SO'L is used to denote the Soul on this plane because the real 
U is not fully present here.
   Material World, Human Thought World, Humanness,
        Mankind, Spirituality, are formed by our levels of
           awareness or vision