The Structurizing Program

What is this Knowledge that the Science of Reality is Setting Forth?

Marian Crist Lippitt

To answer this question, we quote from the currently unpublished manuscript entitled Introduction to the Science of Reality.

Formulating and systematizing knowledge to create a science begins with observing, analyzing, defining and classifying the phenomena of the subject under research. Definitions point out what has been observed, and after various aspects have been designated and analyzed, classification becomes possible. Conclusions drawn from this process achieve the purpose of scientific research, which is to identify laws that establish the flawless order of existence, and to uncover other hidden aspects of reality.

When relations between variable quantities or dissimilar entities seem to remain unchanged, a law is suspected and verbalized. But often there are gaps in human knowledge, and a hypothesis is suggested to complete the picture. This forms a basis for new conclusions; and when these seem valid, and results loom up as beneficial to mankind, the assumption is put to as many tests as are possible, practicable or considered necessary. Finally, if, as with the eating of a new pudding, the product is considered completely satisfactory, the hypothesis is accepted as true, and the new knowledge is added to the bill of fare of scientific education. This is the procedure followed in developing and presenting the science of reality. But, in addition, special attention has been given to techniques of instruction aimed at universal response, rather than at appealing only to the highest levels of intellectual learning. For ours is a movement to develop a world view and common denominator of understanding, free of ethnicentricity and chauvinistic nationalism, and even of intellectual arrogance. Yet in simplifying what is in reality profound, we must also meet standards of accepted communication. Scientists have their specialized knowledge, their own levels of perception, and even their own vocabularies. What are simple observations to them are often unproved hypotheses to the uninitiated. With this in mind, the science of reality has grouped together observations, deductions, conclusions-from- experience, called them postulates. The important fact about them all is that, when applied practically, they work.

Although this science presents a holistic view of existence, purportedly from a superhuman viewpoint, it explains reality in familiar human language, and introduces enlightenment in terms of what is intellectually credible. But much of what it expects to convey is out of this world in both senses of the term. That is, it goes beyond the real of common thought and understanding, and transcends the sounds that we call words. It portrays aspect of reality that are of extraordinary excellence and glorious beyond human description. So in order both to expand the limited everyday connotations of popular terminology to include superhuman significances and to bring our language down to more universal comprehension, basic definitions of many foundation terms are provide (usually from Webster or Oxford Dictionaries), often stressing specific relevant meaning. In addition, we have introduced a few signs and symbol pictures to facilitate recognition of the invisible elements and dimension of reality For although the knowledge with which this science deals is profound, it must and can be made clear and understandable to all mentalities and all levels of sophistication. Pure truth is comprehensible and credible, and this what the science of reality is.