The Structurizing Program

Excerpt from a Letter to Grace Holley

H. Emogene Hoagg

[Excerpt from a letter by H. Emogene Hoagg to Grace Holley, October 8, 1924 (Haifa, Palestine), and supplied by the U.S. National Archive:]

Today at luncheon I mentioned your name to Shoghi Effendi, saying that you were endeavouring to spread the message, that you were an old "tramp" [i.e. hiking, LKG] friend, etc. He asked me about you, then said to tell you that the way the Master always taught is the way for us to teach, that is: "commence by saying that, when Persia was in a most darken [sic] condition, Bahá'u'lláh appeared like the Sun to illuminate the hearts. This connects the Cause with Persia and draws attention to the name Bahá'u'lláh. Then to give the principles as did the Master, exphasizing [sic] the uniting power of these principles and gradually lead the people to thinking about the Cause. Then later as they have become acquainted with the facts and principles, to give them the deeper teachings of the Spirit, tell who and what Bahá'u'lláh was to the world, and the important station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá." This he says is what the Master always did when in America, and what he afterward told the Orientals to follow in their teaching.

[These reported word of Shoghi Effendi should be considered pilgrim's notes, not authentic text.]