Religious Studies Resource Links: The Unification Movement
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Europe)
CheongPyeong Heaven And Earth Traning Center
Lovin’ Live Ministries
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Washington, D.C.)
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
The New Unification Church (faction)
The New Unification Church (faction discussed)
Hyun Jin Moon (the son who started his own movement)
Global Peace Foundation (Hyun Jin Moon)
Global Peace Foundation U.S.A. (Hyun Jin Moon)
Universal Peace Federation: Voices of Peace TV (online)
Universal Peace Federation
Unicorn144's Blog (criticism)
The Defining Moment (online TV)
True Family Values
New World Encyclopedia
The International Unification Movement
Today's World
The Consortium Archive: Dark Side of Rev. Moon
The Professors World Peace Academy
The Moonies: Everything you wanted to know about Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church
True Family Values Ministry
HSA Books
Universal Peace Television
The Pure Love Alliance
World Culture and Sports Festival
The True Family Values Ministry (another site)
Sun Myung Moon and Prophecy
Good Home
The Moon Organization (from Steven Hassan's Freedom of Mind Site)
Unificationism/Moonism: A Threat to Democracy, Freedom...and Families
Unification Home Page (Damian Anderson's site)
Unification Church Home Page (official)
The nterreligious and International Peace Council Holy Land Chapter
International and Interreligious Federation for World Peace - Europe
Inter Religious Federation for World Peace
Where in Washington, D.C. is Sun Myung Moon?
North American Interreligious International Federation for World Peace
The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle (CARP)
Divine Principle
InterReligious Federation for World Peace
Unification Theological Seminary
True Love King
True Parents Organization
Kansas City Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
The World Unificationist Student Review
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