Religious Studies Resource Links: Shadhiliyya (
ādhilīyah) Sufi Center and Related
Shadhiliyya Sufi Center
Sidi Muhammad Press
University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism
Audio Files
Sufi Gifts
Heart of Business
Creating a Life of Love Teleclass
(Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D.)
Interviews and Posts Regarding Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D.
Vimeo Videos
(Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D.)
The Subtle Mercy
Susan Rifka Kimball
Sufi Portal
Decatur Acupuncture
Jennifer Salima Holt, Ph.D.
Mark Hoch, M.D.
The Peaceful Heart
Sufi Healing for the Soul
Perennial Medicine with Thea Elijah
Flowing Spirit Healing
Tony Kent
Jennifer Salima Holt, Ph.D.
(New Thought Muslim)
Thea Spirit Weaver
Shadhuli Sufi Center of Peace and Mercy
Sufi Realities
The Spiritual Coach
Inspirations and Creative Thoughts
Divine Harmony Healing
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe’s Teleclasses
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe’s Minneapolis Lectures and Workshop
Video Interview With Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe on Principles of Sufism
to the table of contents