Religious Studies Resource Links: Sacred Geometry
The Template
The World of Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry: The Language of Light
The Geometry Code
Bob Frissell
(MerKaBa and Flower of Life)
Drunvalo Melchizadek School of Remembering
(Merkaba and Flower of Life)
School of Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry International
(Randall Collins)
Archetype Builders
(Randall Collins)
Pi – The Great Work
(Marty Leeds)
Sacred Geometry from lightSOURCE
The Code of Carl Munck and Ancient Gematrian Numbers
Secrets In Plain Sight
Secrets of the International Peace Garden
The Bath Mysteries
Vesica Institute of Holistic Studies
Cosmographic Research Institute
Sacred Geometry: The Art of Creation
(Jonathan Quintin)
Sacred Geometry and Sound Therapy
(Rick Nation)
Jesus 8880: The Gospels Seen as Sacred Geometry Plays
Mid-Atlantic Geomancy
Labyrinth Enterprises, LLC
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