Religious Studies Resource Links: Developing Charismatic Revelatory Gifts
Jim Driscoll’s Stir the Water (charismatic prophetic and revelatory gifts)
Jonathan Welton’s Jon Welton Ministries (the charismatic gift of the discerning of spirits)
Jonathan Welton (video 1 of three-part series)
Jonathan Welton (video 2 of three-part series)
Jonathan Welton (video 3 of three-part series)
Teresa Seputis’ Transforming Life Prophetic Ministry (Prophetic-School Training 101)
Teresa Seputis’ Transforming Life Prophetic Ministry (Prophetic-School Training 201)
Todd Bentley’ Fresh Fire Ministries
Kris Vallotton Ministries (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry)
James W. Goll’s Encounters Network
Steve Thompson’s NU World Ministries
School of the Prophet: The Teachings of Kim Clement
Debra Ford’s School of the Prophets
School of the Prophets
The Apostolic-Prophetic Movement (PDF)
School of the Prophets (the source for the first of the two Wikipedia articles in the PDF directly below)
School of the Prophets and Radical Christianity/Discipleship (PDF of two Wikipedia articles)
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