Religious Studies Resource Links: Magick (Golden Dawn, Chaos, Etc.)
James Wasserman Books (OTO)
In the Center of the Fire (James Wasserman)
Avatar of the Eleventh Hour (Jack Parsons)
Illuminated Congregation of Melchizadek (ICOM)
Ordo Templi Astartes
Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries (AUM) - appears to be a cross between Freemasonry (Thelema???) and the Alice Bailey movement (Arcane School, New Group of World Servers, etc.)
Order of the Ancient Way
The Order of the Eternal Light
The Order of ChAOS
International Nath Order
Science of Hanokh
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn
The Pythagorean Pentacle
Aleister Crowley Fact Sheet
Golden Dawn Research Center
Builders of the Temple Adytum (John Foster Case's Golden Dawn organization)
The Illuminates of Thanateros (chaos magick)
DarkElf's Magickal Library
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