Religious Studies Resource Links: General Islāmic Links
Encyclopedia of the Middle East
Islamic Center of Kansas (Olathe)
Hans Wehr’s Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic
Islam and Science Homepage
The Baraka Institute
Islam, Qur'an And Al-Qiyamah
The Book Foundation
Islam House
Internet Muslim (FTP program download)
English-Language Texts from the Deen Research Center (an extensive collection)
The American Muslim (email newsletter)
Muslim Scientists, Mathematicians and Astronomers Before European Renaissance, 700 - 1500 C.E.
US Muslim Students Association Islamic Server
Sahih Bukhari (Sunna)
Muammar Al Qadhafi: Leader of the Great Al Fateh Revolution
The Miracles of Allah (anti-Islamic)
Muhammad for All: Fatawaa Bank
Multi-National Muslim Committee (converting to Islam) - the most comprehensive Qur'anic resource
Answering Ansar (Shí'ih)
al-Wilayah (news)
Compendium of Muslim Texts
The Quran Miracles Encyclopedia
Harun Yahya (Islam and science)
Jesus Will Return (Harun Yahya)
The Creation of the Universe (Harun Yahya)
Islamic Online University
Islam Denounces Anti-Semitism (Harun Yahya)
Islam Tomorrow
Council on American Islamic Relations
Shia News
A Complete Listing of Sites Offering an Alternative View of Islam
Answering Christianity (associated with Paltalk room)
Jews for Allah
To Madrassa -e- Towheed (University of Insight into Allah)
Islamic Philosophy Online
Muslim Students' Association of the United States and Canada
MeccaCentric (audio tapes, video tapes, and CDs)
Zaytuna Institute (fascinating site)
Islam Guide: A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam
Muslim American Indians
History of Science: Islam
Science and Civilization in Islam (Seyyed Hossein Nasr)
Supporters of Shariah (Ansar al-Shariah)
Islamist Forces Declar Jihad Against Serbia and Israel (al-Muhajirun - the Emigrants or Exiles)
The Infallibles
Studies in Ismailism
Al Quran wa Sunnah [Home of] (free)
Islamic History, Philosophy, and Scientific Thought (excellent links)
Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science
This is the Truth
People of Allah
The Awaited One Foundation (Shī'ih)
Kazi Publications (Islamic books)
Pacal Votan and Judgement Day: The Second Qur'anic Dispensation
IslamiCity (many Islamic resources)
Qiyamat (Ismaili, etc.)
Shia Ismaili Web
An Extensive Worldwide List of Islamic Book-sellers
Selected Materials for studying Islam and the Muslims
The Alternative Way (book)
Islam: Philosophy
The Shi'a Home Page
Moharram's Special Homepage (Shi'ih)
Islam: The Living Religion, according to the world's first Islamic School of the Sixth Infallible Holy Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq(as)
Introduction to Ismailism
The Hazara Shia Ismailis of Afghanistan
Ismaili Web
Taliyah Al-Mahdi
Islamic Web Sites
Prophet of Doom (anti-Islamic site)
Maddi's Morning Links and Comment (anti-Islamist blog)
Islam's Response to Contemporary Issues
International Society for Ramadan Fasting Research
Murabitun World Wide Movement
Middle East Studies: Islam
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