Religious Studies Resource Links: Christian Right (Christianism)
Christian Answers
American Family Association
Randall Terry
The Society for Truth and Justice (Randall Terry)
Operation Save America/Operation Rescue National (Randall Terry)
Operation Rescue West (Randall Terry)
American Center for Law and Justice
The Moral Majority Coalition (Jerry Falwell)
The Ten Commandments Day (Ron Wexler)
Focus on The Family (James Dobson)
The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right
Christian Coalition of America
The Political Mobilization of the Christian Right
The New Right and the Christian Right
Coalition on Revival
Coalition on Revival (different site)
The Rutherford Institute
Christian Reconstructionism (Public Eye Magazine)
The Despoiling of America (Christian Reconstructionism or Dominion Theology)
Theocracy Watch: Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
Heritage Foundation
Traditional Values Coalition
Religious Freedom Coalition
Concerned Women for America
Culture and Family Institute (affiliate of Concerned Women for America)
Family Research Council
Eagle Forum
Family Policy Network
Promise Keepers
Free Congress Foundation
Shock and Awe: Christians and Christianism (analogy to Islamism, i.e., dominion theology and the Christian right)
Rutherford Institute
Christian Broadcasting Network
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