Religious Studies Resource Links: Academic
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory (open access)
Faith Communities Today
Quodlibet Journal
Sanskrit Declension
Internet Sacred Text Archive
Virtual Religion Index
Encyclopedia of Religion and Society
First Things
Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology
Concise Dictionary of Religion
The Sociology of Language and Religion
Joshua A. Fishman (Sociology of Language and Religion)
Christopher West (theology of the body)
Overview of World Religions Project
The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue
Pietisten (e-journal)
Religion Compass Exchanges (e-journal)
God Checker
Ecole Initiative (Encyclopedia)
Approaching the Study of Religion: A Repository of Retrievable Resources and Student Writings on Comparative Religion
Sahidic Coptic Gospel of John
Academic Info: Religion Gateway
Beretta: Shooting from the Lip
The Dusty Library
Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology
The Ism Book
Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion and Science
Meadville Journal of Liberal Religion (Webzine)
American Religious Identification Survey
Pluralism Project (Harvard)
Pagan Influence Upon the Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity
Temple Theology
(Margaret Barker)
The Theology Program
Internet Sacred Texts Archive
World Christian Database (stats of many religions)
eSocial Science News: Esoterica (including Edgar Cayce)
Internet Journal of Religion
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Philologos (prophecy research and online texts, incl. Bullinger)
Glossary of [Theological] Terms
Glossary of Theological Terms
Greek Lexicon
Open Source Theology
William Lane Craig (Christian particularist)
Religare: An interdisciplinary group for religious studies and issues
Hellenismos (modern Greek culture, including spirituality)
Mandaean World
Pass the WORD Services (rare religious texts, including Shaker)
Center for Studies on New Religions
Journal of Religion and Health
General Theory of Religion Homepage (System Dynamics)
The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism
Christian Study Center
Religious Studies (The Web Resources of the Religious Bodies Listed in the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches)
Hartford Institute for Religion Research
Religion Online (texts)
Religious Studies dot com
Overview of World Religions Project
Religious and Sacred Texts
Zygon Center for Religion and Science
Bruce Alton's sites
Gods, Heros and Myth (encyclopedia, etc.)
Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies (ejournal)
The Fallible Gospels: Reasonable Observations on the Origins of Christianity
Politically Incorrect Salvation (different views of salvation)
Catholic Encyclopedia
CESNUR Center for Studies on New Religions
World Network of Religious Futurists
World Religions Research Papers
The Encyclopedia Mythica
Kirby's World (including pseudepigraphal Christian primary sources)
Credo Quarterly (Calvinist ejournal)
Brenda Brasher's Site
Wajibu: A Journal of Social & Religious Concern
The Rediscovery of the Highest God (online book) (religion statistics)
The official homepage of the Jesus Seminar
Religion Mega-Site
World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts
A Sourcebook For Earth's Community of Religions
Religious and Sacred Texts
Facets of Religion (a part of the WWW Virtual Library)
The WWW Virtual Library: Religion
Into His Own: Perspectives on the World of Jesus
Gateway to the CyberTemple (sacred texts)
The Guide to the Best Religious Studies Resources on the Internet
Religious Fundamentalism and Optimism (an empirical study)
New Religious Movements Home Page (Jeffrey K. Hadden)
Religious Studies Internet Links
The Enneads (online)
Institute for Cognitive and Affective Research & Education (ICARE)
Council on Spiritual Practices
Pass the WORD Services (Shaker, Jacob Boehme, Jane Lead, etc. manuscripts)
The Graduate Journal for the Academic Study of Religion
NurelWeb Home Page: Sources for the Study of Cults, Sects, New and Contemporary Religions
The Heritage Society (to preserve manuscripts and rare documents and to conduct research and publish in the field of religion)
First Ismaili Electronic Library and Database (F.I.E.L.D.)
A Very Brief History of Mesopagan Druidism (scholarly???)
New Religious Movements
Qigong Scientific Research
The Consciousness Research Division at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (has some web-based
The Brainwashing Controversy
Joining Religious Movements: The Brainwashing Model
The Cult Awareness Network has now put on a new face - one in which they condemn deprogramming and the like.
The Feminine Soul (Gnosticism)
The Gnosis Archive
The Association for Religion and Intellectual Life
The Ecole Initiative (online encyclopedia of early church history)
The Historian's Scriptorium (reproductions of original religious MSS, etc.)
The Anthropology of Mysticism
Religion Religions Religious Studies (including a collection of links on perennialism, primordialism, and traditionalism)
The Paradigm of Christ: Decoding the Metaphorical System Sealed in the Gospel
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
General Theory of Religion Home Page
The Quetzalcoatl Myth
Internet Resources for the Study of Christianity and Judaism
Finding God in Cyberspace
Nova Religio The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions
Early Church Documents (circa 96-150 A.D.)
Facets of Religion: Virtual Library - Religion
The Fundamentalist/Modernist Conflict (Presbyterian emphasis)
The Wisdom Page
Babyloniaca: Ancient & Modern Mesopotamian Texts & Links
Wiretap Religious Library (Gopher site)
The Alchemy web site (huge!)
Index of WWW Resources on Modern Mystical and Religious Groups
Societas Gnostica Norvegia (features, among
other things, some good links to Mandaean/Sabian sources - not to be confused with the Sabaeans of the Ancient Kingdom of Sheba)
Creation Myths of the World
Scholarly site devoted to Lilith
Religious Studies and Theology Directory (Gopher menu)
The New Stoa: Generic Theory Project
Prof. Juan R. I. Cole's site has some excellent resource materials and links for serious students of religious, Middle Eastern, and South Asian studies
The Gnostic Society Virtual Library (one of the best collection of religious studies resources on the web!)
Introduction to a General Theory of Religion
Finding God in Cyberspace: A Guide to Religious Studies Resources on the Internet
Spirituality, Yoga, Hinduism Page: A Humble Offering at the Feet of the Divine Mother
Shaivistic and Bhakti Roots of Kashmiri Religion (points out that Zoroastrianism may be a reformulation of the Vedic tradition)
Christus Philosophia
Dancing with Siva (book)
Saivite Hinduism
The Electronically Linked Academy
National Study of Youth and Religion
The Mandaean religion
World Internet Directory: Religion
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